The adventuresome life of a Great Pyrenees/Newfoundland dog in Northwestern Ontario

Time for a Tour!

Elizabeth has been very busy for the last couple of months. One of the things that is occupying her is the gardening. She grows green and other stuff for eating in some ground she keeps fenced off from deer, rabbits and groundhogs. And me.  -:o/=

Sometimes she lets me in. On those occasions, she’s always watching me. Sometimes though, the gate is either left open, or the wind catches it and blows it open just enough for me to get in without anyone noticing. If I’m very sneaky, I can usually find something I like to eat growing in the ground, and I can gently and ever so carefully tug it out. It makes for a very tasty little snack through the day.

Last evening, Elizabeth took her new camera out and we did a bit of a tour so you could see some of what’s going on. Hope you enjoy a walk through the garden with us!

This is in this year's new garden area, which Rob the Snowman built for Elizabeth.

This is in this year’s new garden area, which Rob the Snowman built for Elizabeth.

I really love Lettuce. It’s my favourite garden produce. I asked Elizabeth to show some she’s got underway now. She started these in the house, and both she and Kay have planted seeds in the ground, too. We need a lot because they like it, too. Doesn’t that look yummy? I helped water the garden while she took pictures. Didn’t mean to… just kinda worked out that way….

Sweetie Baby Cos

Sweetie Baby Cos

Red Iceberg

Red Iceberg

Here’s a picture of the new garden from the yard. Elizabeth is still working in it because of the late spring we had, but lots is growing in it already.

It took Rob the Snowman nearly three weeks to get the ground rebuilt and the fence up and the raised ground containers built! He moves snow much faster...

It took Rob the Snowman nearly three weeks to get the ground rebuilt and the fence up and the raised ground containers built! He moves snow much faster…

Now I’ll take you to Elizabeth’s long garden:

This is one of Elizabeth's favourite herbs, French Tarragon. She won't let me even sniff at it!

This is one of Elizabeth’s favourite herbs, French Tarragon. She won’t let me even sniff at it!

This is Swiss Chard just coming up. I've never tasted it. Looks a bit like lettuce, so might need to give it a little chew sometime...

This is Swiss Chard just coming up. I’ve never tasted it. Looks a bit like lettuce, so might need to give it a little chew sometime…

We all love Strawberries. Do you?

We all love Strawberries. Do you?

And it looks like we might have a good crop this year! Elizabeth thinks this might be a Wild Strawberry because there are so many blossoms (almost over now).

And it looks like we might have a good crop this year! Elizabeth thinks this might be a Wild Strawberry because there are so many blossoms (almost over now).

I discovered this spring that I like radishes, too. You eat the red part and leave the leaves... Yum.

I discovered this spring that I like radishes, too. You eat the red part and leave the leaves… Yum.

This is the Echinacea in Elizabeth's Tea Garden, where she grows things to make drinks from. Two-leggers are not satisfied with drinking just water...

This is the Echinacea in Elizabeth’s Tea Garden, where she grows things to make drinks from. Two-leggers are not satisfied with drinking just water…

Elizabeth thought this Wild Rose bush would look pretty, so she let it grow in the corner beside the gate. She says she might use the fruit later...

Elizabeth thought this Wild Rose bush would look pretty, so she let it grow in the corner beside the gate. She says she might use the fruit later…

I found another garden growing on a tree stump. Elizabeth says it is something from the mint family (also tasty) but she thinks it looks a bit like stinging nettles. I thought it looked pretty and asked her to take a photo. I have a good eye, but I have trouble with all the camera buttons…

Aren't they pretty?

Aren’t they pretty?

Kay has a little garden, too:

Some Chives in Kay's garden. And, oooh... That smells like baby lettuce!  ~:od=

Some Chives in Kay’s garden. And, oooh… That smells like baby lettuce! ~:od=

Kay likes to leave some pretty flowers that aren't really supposed to be there, too.

Kay likes to leave some pretty flowers that aren’t really supposed to be there, too.

After gardening, the two-leggers like to sit down for a little rest. They have a nice view of the river and the gardens from here.

After gardening, the two-leggers like to sit down for a little rest. They have a nice view of the river and the gardens from here.

If they turn and sit the other way, then they can see Al’s and Joanne’s much classier looking bench:

Their bench might be more sophisticated, but ours has a better view. BOL

Their bench might be more sophisticated, but ours has a better view. BOL

I have other priorities than gardening, though…

While they're gardening, I'm guarding! It's hot work in the summer, so I will often include a swim along my patrol route.

While they’re gardening, I’m guarding! It’s hot work in the summer, so I will often include a swim along my patrol route.

Thanks for joining me on the Garden Tour. See you next week! ~:o)=

Comments on: "Time for a Tour!" (11)

  1. Absolutely loved your tour of your garden!

  2. Great job Stella really enjoy your posts….by the way our Parttige (sp) has 3 babies….

  3. What beautiful gardens, Stella! I love to hide beneath the leaves of big bushes and nibble grass whenever I am allowed outside. You’re lucky you are able to guard the garden. I have a loud screech and would love to stay out and guard the yard, like you, but Susan won’t let me out without a leash. Hope you have a great summer with lots of fresh radishes. 🙂

    – Salem

    • I could use your birding expertise out here, Salem, if you decide to visit. I’ve got a family of Crows annoying me. I’m too big to hide under any bushes, but I have found a place I can tuck myself into under the porch deck! It’s like a sentry box outside a castle. I can see and hear what’s going on, but no one ever seems to notice me there. Nice and shady there, too!

      • Crows scare me a bit because they’re almost as big as me! My two-legged told me a true story about a kitten being surrounded by those black beasts. She cried for her two-legged, who chased them off with a broom! As long as there is a clear wall between me and them, I feel safe. Good luck with your sentinel duty, Stella! 🙂

      • Hmmm… I hadn’t thought of that….

  4. It was lovely to have a tour of your garden, Stella! They had a big tub of strawberries by the back door when I was a puppy. I ate all the strawberries. Now if they have strawberries, I always ask for one but I don’t eat them anymore!

    • I admire your discipline, Clowie. I guess I’ve been picking up some of the Sneaky Deers’ bad habits. Elizabeth gave me a lettuce leaf this morning and I enjoyed it very much!

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